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Air Duct System Horrors

air duct system
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Forget about the monster under the bed, what about the ones that could be lurking in your air duct system? Air duct systems are found throughout our homes and carry cooled and heated air per the seasons, but because they (and what they carry) are invisible, it’s easy to see why your air duct system is often overlooked in your average home or business. At Art Plumbing, AC and Electric, we often talk about AC maintenance and cooling systems, but it’s important to remember what’s making the magic happen behind the scenes. Don’t believe us? Read on to find out why your air duct system should never be forgotten about.

  • Air Duct Systems Can Bring Dirt into Every Part of Your House

    Remember that air duct systems are hidden behind walls and ceilings but still carry air into every room. After all, that’s how you get through every Florida summer, but do you know what else they bring? Dust and dirt. If your air duct systems are exposed or open in parts, they can bring filth and outside elements into your home which can not only be bad for your health, but for your possessions, too.

  • The Dirt Can Remain There

    Which is worse? We’re not sure, but having dirt brought into your home and stuck in your air duct system is far from ideal. Dirt build-up can result in the growth of contaminants such as viruses and bacteria which will make their way throughout your home whenever your AC system is running. It’s incredibly important that your air ducts are cleaned out regularly by a professional and that an air filter is installed to protect those inside your home from contaminated air.

  • Almost a Quarter of Your Heated or Cooled Air Can Be Lost

    If your air duct systems are old and suffering from holes and cracks or if there are seals missing and insufficient insulation, home and business owners could see a large amount of their energy usage going to waste. Air duct systems that aren’t working properly can result in the loss of up to 25% of heated/cooled air.

  • Inadequate Air Duct Systems Will Cost You

    Did your HVAC bill go up suddenly this month? Yes, it could have been that spike in temperature that we often see in Florida or the odd and sudden cold front passing (remember the Polar Vortex of 2015?) that put the extra strain on your pocket, but it could have been something else, too. If your home does not have enough air ducts feeding throughout the house, your air conditioner will work harder to push the air around, which will result in more expensive energy bills.

Like blood pumping through your veins, your air duct system pumps air through your home. It’s important to ensure that that the air is of excellent quality, that the air duct systems are not in disrepair, and that there is no buildup of dirt. For something not seen by the naked eye, air duct systems are important elements to any home, as is their upkeep. Make sure that you have an air duct professional inspect your air ducts today, for the benefit of your own home, wellbeing, and finances. Art Plumbing, AC and Electric has a team of experts on hand and with a wealth of experience in the art of air duct systems.


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