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Environmental Residential Air Conditioning Solutions

Residential air conditioning
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Solutions for Residential Air Conditioning

There is one main benefit to living in an area that has a pleasantly and sometimes swelteringly warm climate -you’ll never experience the glacial colds. However, the key to enduring in this type of climate is a working AC. When you decide to get a residential air conditioning system in your home, you need to see and find the perfect residential air conditioning system for your home.

This little handy guide will help you make the choice best suited to your specific needs and your home.

There are various types of air conditioning systems that could work in your place of residence.
The most common types of residential air conditioners are as follows:

1. Air Conditioner Near a Window

  • An air conditioning system that is typically placed in a window or in a hole made through one of the exterior walls of the house.
  • These units contain all the major cooling components in a single box, they release heat out one end and blows cooler air out the other end.
  • These units are generally placed in a window slot as many do not want to add extra holes in their walls. This makes it easier to resell the home at a later stage should you choose to do so.

2. Portable Air Conditioners

  • These are mobile independent air conditioning units that are placed on the floor or on a desk (depending on the size) of the room
  • The larger of these portable units releases heat using a pipe vent that goes out of an exterior hole.
  • Similar to the air conditioning units that are near a window, these units contain all the major cooling components in a single box, they release heat out one end and blows cooler air out the other end.
  • These units are however noisier than other units and generally work better to cool rooms that are under an approximate heat of 500 SF.

3. Ductless Air Conditioner Units

  • These are commonly referred to as Mini-split air conditioning systems. They are more common in small hotels or apartment complexes, and some office spaces.
  • The system breaks the unit into two units and coolant tubing (copper tubing referred to as the line set) passes through a wall or ceiling that connects both units. One works as the condensing unit that is found on the exterior (This includes the compressor, condenser coil and fan). The other serves as the evaporative unit that is found on the interior usually hung on the wall and exposed to the view (This includes the fan, expansion valve and coil). The interior unit handles the air cooling and the distribution of cooler air throughout the home or building. These units have no duct system.

4. Split AC System – Central Air Conditioning

  • This is one of the best residential air conditioning units that you could use for your home.
  • It is the quietest unit that performs the best for larger areas BUT the systems MUST be sized appropriately for your home or you will have “dead” areas that receive no cooling or your system will not perform at its peak.
  • These units are made up of two units. The condensing unit and the evaporative unit which are connected by the coolant tubing. The condensing component is found in the large outside box (This includes the compressor, condenser and fan). The evaporative component (This includes the fan, expansion valve and coil) is typically found in the garage space or above the ceiling in the attic. the conditioned air is distributed through a series of ducts located in your attic and in some older homes in the crawl space under the first floor.

If you’re looking to find the best residential air conditioning system for your home, feel free to contact us, Art Plumbing & Air Conditioning to answer any questions you may have


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