The Future Of Plumbing: What’s Next?
Reading Time: 2 minutesDid you know that plumbing has been around since ancient times? It’s true! Humans have been using tube-like vessels to carry water into their homes for hundreds of years, using materials like clay and metal, and eventually plastic. Plumbing has come a long way over…
How To Teach Your Children About Electrical Safety
Reading Time: 4 minutesElectricity is an integral part of our daily lives, so much so, we tend to be blasé about its potential dangers. When was the last time you looked at electricity from a child’s perspective? Have you gone down on all fours and crawled like a…
Find A Drain Cleaning Plumber in Coral Springs
Reading Time: 3 minutesDrain maintenance is likely not one of the highest priorities on your home’s to-do list. It may not even rank in the top 10 most important things you feel you need to focus on–unless it’s broken, and then drain maintenance becomes your number one priority….
Expert Plumbers Weigh In On Water Treatment Systems
Reading Time: 3 minutesIt comes as no surprise to South Florida residents that most areas in the state have hard water. One of the easiest ways for homeowners to solve this issue is to install a water treatment system. While it may sound simple in theory, it can…
Indoor Lighting: When Does Wattage Matter?
Reading Time: 3 minutesLight bulbs are used in everyone’s daily lives. Many people don’t think much about indoor lighting until it’s time to replace a light bulb. There are instances in which wattage matters, especially when it comes to the type of light fixture you’re using. If we’ve…
How Often Do You Need A Sewer Cleanout?
Reading Time: 3 minutesOwning a home means maintenance is a fact of life, and one of the more unpleasant chores is having to conduct a sewer cleanout. But how often does it need to be done to forestall a potential backwash into your lawn, shower, garage, or even…
Electrical Problems Caused By Too Many Plugs!
Reading Time: 3 minutesAs technology evolves, we’re often plugging more and more devices into our home’s electrical outlets. There are also other common electrical problems that can occur around your home, and they will all have an effect on your electrical system in some way or another. There…
What Plumbers Recommend to Clean Your Toilet
Reading Time: 3 minutesKeeping your toilet clean can be a messy job sometimes, but the right methods and tools used by plumbers make it much easier. More than that, there are things that you should and should not clean your toilet with. Using the wrong things can damage…
Six Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Main Sewer Line
Reading Time: 3 minutesYou might not think about the main sewer line of your home often, one which works day and night. We generally only consider this important piece of plumbing when it leaks or stops working. Then, they tend to become all-consuming! Most people think about main…
Does A Vehicle Charging Station Increase Your Electric Bill?
Reading Time: 3 minutesWith climate change being a real concern, many people have opted in to buying an electric car. An electric car doesn’t emit as many fumes as a car that needs fuel to drive, but it does require a vehicle charging station. One of the factors…
How Can I Make My Home Lighting More Efficient?
Reading Time: 3 minutesIt can often be taken for granted, but lighting forms an integral part of our home’s functionality. It’s something that we use every day, and so, it should come as a no-brainer. Ideally, we should want the most efficient and effective home lighting possible. Here…
What Do Plumbers Recommend To Clear A Clogged Sink?
Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s post-festive season and the last thing any homeowner wants to deal with is a clogged sink. It completely tosses any other plans you had out the window and now you’re stuck attempting to clear a clogged sink. The worst of it is realizing if…