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What Does Water Treatment and Kidney Stones Have in Common?

water treatment
Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are several conclusions regarding the relationship between water treatment and kidney stones. Many of which seem to lead people to the hard vs. soft water showdown. Learn about the difference between hard and soft water, and the effects both on you and your household with Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric, to understand what the relation is to kidney stones.

Hard and Soft Water

Water can be classified as ‘hard’ or ‘soft; the former being water that contains a significant number of dissolved minerals – specifically calcium and magnesium – and the latter being treated water in which the only ion present is sodium.

Both hard and soft water have their pros and cons. Because hard water contains essential minerals, unlike soft water, as a drinking water it is preferable. Why then do we remove these minerals by softening water?

The major disadvantage of hard water is noticed while doing household chores. Hard water used for chores has two main undesirable effects. First, it leaves washed clothes and dishes with dirty marks, surfaces with residue, and can even leave hair feeling oily. Second, the minerals in the water cause build-up in your drain pipes which may go unnoticed until problems start to occur. Plumbers may have to be called in to remove the mineral deposits to prevent the pipes from becoming seriously damaged. By installing a water softening system, this problem can be averted and will help to cancel out these negative aspects to hard water.

Hard Water and Kidney Stones

There is contention as to whether or not hard water has a significant enough link with the formation of urolithiasis – also known as kidney stones. Kidney stones form when urine contains too high a concentration of crystal-forming elements such as calcium for the urine to dilute. Although hard water has a higher presence of calcium than soft water, some research concludes that hard water is not a probable cause of kidney stone formation. However, this deduction is not applicable to patients who have had a kidney stone and had it removed. Isolated experiments showed that drinking soft water resulted in a lower rate of returning kidney stones for patients who have had stones removed previously. Hard water that is generally consumed does not have a high enough level of hardness to warrant it a danger to the consumer’s health. Continuous consumption of water with a hardness level above 5mmol/l – not typical of drinking water – is associated with a higher risk of urolithiasis. Another study found that the ratio between calcium and magnesium present in hard water had a more significant effect on kidney stone formation than hard versus soft water.

Water Treatment

Art Plumbing, AC and Electric offers effective and affordable hard water treatment services! By installing our water softener system, you will use less salt and less water to turn hard water into soft. Not only will you avoid any potential risks of kidney stones caused by the mineral components of hard water, your household chores will be done far more effectively and efficiently. Say goodbye to soap build-up on shower and bath surfaces and start to enjoy brighter laundry, smoother skin, and spot-free dishes while also saving money by using less soaps and detergents! All this is offered by softer water in your household. Call us now for your own water softener system today!


art plumbing, ac and electric

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