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March 24, 2017

What Does Water Treatment and Kidney Stones Have in Common?

Reading Time: 2 minutesThere are several conclusions regarding the relationship between water treatment and kidney stones. Many of which seem to lead people to the hard vs. soft water showdown. Learn about the difference between hard and soft water, and the effects both on you and your household…

March 10, 2017

Avoid a Drain Cleaning Scam

Reading Time: 3 minutesDrain cleaning is a task that should be done fairly regularly in order to prevent a lot of work later. Unfortunately, it is a common occurrence that companies or individuals will try and take their customers ‘for a ride’ – that is, scam them into…

December 09, 2016

Embrace Enzymes

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn any household, drain cleaning needs to happen on a regular basis. It is important to remove any blockages that may occur in the drains caused by the build-up of organic waste. There is a range of drain cleaners on the market, most of them…

November 04, 2016

Know Your MERV Ratings

Reading Time: 3 minutesHow Does Your MERV Rating Impact Indoor Air Quality? Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is a standard of measuring the efficiency of air filters (particularly refrigeration and air conditioning), which affects your indoor air quality. The higher the MERV rating, the fewer air pollutants pass…

September 23, 2016

Don’t Let Your Water Heater Burn Your Cash

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhether you shower or bath in the morning, evening, or any other time during the day, everybody enjoys the feeling of hot water running over them. However, in 2014 the U.S. Department of Energy found that 9%-25% of the annual hot water created by water…

July 29, 2016

When You Need to Call an AC Repair Company

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhether or not your AC needs a repair can be determined easily in some cases i.e. when it simply stops working. In other cases, it may be trickier to decide whether there is something you can do to fix your AC or whether your AC…