Different Types Of Backfilling Materials

The construction of a new building involves several steps and materials to ensure its sturdiness and durability. The foundation at the bottom is what holds the weight of all the structural elements, which means it must be strong and meet the limits of strength and bearing capacity. To build a strong foundation, it’s important to understand the type of soil it sits on.
What Is Backfilling?
Every construction project begins by excavating all the dirt out of the area. The soil that is removed is set aside, not disposed of – it serves a valuable purpose! It’s important that no other elements contaminate it, so builders can know exactly what is in it. That material is used to determine the properties of the soil to see if it’s still useable, depending on structural requirements.
Whatever material is “placed back” is referred to as “backfill.” Backfill material typically consists of sand, gravel, stone, topsoil, or clay. Depending on the material of the structure being built, some forms of backfill material are more useful than others.
Types Of Backfilling Materials
There are different types of backfill materials that are classified by grade, the most common types are sand, gravel, clay stone, and topsoil. The choice of material is based on the specific design requirements for supporting the structure.
Coarse-Grade Soils
This type of backfilling is sandy and gravelly. It’s a popular choice because the high-quality properties make it easy to compact, offering strong foundational support for the new construction.
Fine-Grade Soils
This type of backfill is made up of organic clay materials, as well as inorganic silts and fine sand. The plasticity is low to medium and is useful for heavy compacting to provide a stable foundation.
Depending on the gradation and hardness, rocks are also a suitable material for backfilling. They differ from other backfilling material in that they are obviously bigger than, say, grains of sand or dirt. That means they will have to be crushed to meet the requirements for structural backfill. Rocks have a strong bearing capacity to hold the weight of a structure, which makes it useful for backfill material.
Backfilling Services In South Florida
Whether it’s a new home or some other type of structure, you’ll need backfill for the structure’s foundation. Art Rooter, Sewer & Drain Cleaning has you covered! We take care of all the necessary testing to ensure the quality, so your new build is guaranteed to stand up to South Florida’s harsh winds and heavy rains. We use the most innovative equipment and technology to help the process go smoothly.
To learn more about backfilling and other services we offer, such as drain cleaning, sewer repair, and pipe relining, call us today at 1-833-470-2880. We have been proudly serving the residents of South Florida since 1983.