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Maintaining A Healthy Septic Tank

Septic Tank
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In South Florida, septic tanks are not as common as they are in northern states. However, you can still find them in older or historic buildings. Knowing how to maintain it if you have one is essential for the safety of your septic system and building. In this article, learn the secrets to maintaining a healthy septic tank.

Why is a Septic Tank so Important?

A septic tank is an integral part of the wastewater treatment system. It is easily the most neglected part of the system even though it serves as the first barrier for any solid or liquid wastes being disposed of into the ground. Treating and disposing of wastes in your septic tank allows them to be removed from your property before they have a chance to pollute groundwater or surface water.

Have the Septic Tank Pumped Often

A septic tank is designed to hold wastewater for a specific period of time as it undergoes decomposition and other natural purification processes. In fact, pumping it is recommended every 3-5 years. The frequency of pumping will depend on a number of factors including its size, the type of wastewater being disposed of, and how much wastewater is being disposed of into the system.

Pumping your septic tank is a dirty job, and it could require special equipment depending on the condition of the existing pipe and structure that connects to it. Make sure to use a professional service with ample experience pumping septic tanks so you know that the job will be completed correctly.

Avoid Using Washing Machine and Dishwasher at the Same Time

Many homeowners may not realize this but washing machine drains and dishwasher drains empty into the same pipe that leads to a septic tank. Using both appliances at the same time will greatly overload it. It is best to wait at least 24 hours between the times you use these appliances.

Never Put Trash in the Toilet

Avoid dumping any food waste or grease into the toilet since this can easily cause clogging of a septic tank. This also includes any trash, feminine hygiene products, or other items aside from septic-tank safe toilet paper. If you do have clogging, take the appropriate steps to clean and maintain it.

Avoid Showers that Last More than Twenty Minutes

It is not recommended to take showers that are longer than twenty minutes. If you take a long shower, it can send too much water into your septic tank for it to handle. This will make it work harder and will likely result in overflowing with wastewater. A better option is to install low-flow showerheads which can help minimize the amount of water that goes down the drain every time you have a shower.

Know Which Chemicals and Cleaners are Septic Safe

Certain chemicals and cleaners are not safe to use inside a septic tank and you run the risk of causing damage if you do use them. Always check with a professional or read the label before using any chemical or cleaning product inside of it. Keeping it healthy is easy once you know which chemicals and cleaners are safe to use. Always be mindful of the amount and type of waste being used so that it will last for many years to come.

A healthy septic system is an essential part of keeping any structure clean and running properly. Follow the steps provided in this article to maintain a healthy septic tank and prevent serious problems from occurring down the road. A thorough inspection of your septic system will ensure proper sewer maintenance practices and prevent future clogging. Contact Art Rooter, Sewer & Drain Cleaning to schedule an appointment for professional service of your plumbing system.


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