Get Your Commercial Electrical System Up To Code

Keeping the lights switched on is always important, but when you’re powering a commercial building, a power outage can have a severe impact for both you and your clients. Ensuring that your commercial property is up to current code and safety standards can give you peace of mind that your electrical system isn’t going to hamper your day-to-day activity.
What Is Building Code?
The National Electrical Code (NEC) is a set of regulations concerning the installation of safe electrical systems in both residential and commercial buildings. While the NEC is revised every three years, individual states and local building authorities must bring the code into effect themselves. This means that there may be some differences between national code and local code.
The Importance Of Code In Commercial Buildings
Keeping your electrical system up to code and regularly maintained has wonderful benefits, especially if you’re in the commercial sector. Here are just some of the key areas where implementing updated code regulations can help you.
Electrical Safety Systems
The main focus of the National Electrical Code concerns safety. Electricity, used unwisely, can be a serious fire and accident hazard. The frequent updates to the NEC will detail the latest electrical safety systems and regulations you need to stay on top of safe electrical use.
Power Surge Protection
The least damage a power surge can do is leave you in the dark for a few minutes, but severe surges can destroy vital electronic devices, such as desk computers, televisions, and even large manufacturing machines. In the worst cases, a surge may even cause an electrical fire. With proper up to code commercial surge protection in place, you can protect your company’s assets and employees.
Uninterrupted Revenue
Power failures caused by old, unmaintained electrical systems can keep you offline long enough to lose revenue. When your communication with clients and suppliers is interrupted, this can do a great amount of damage to your business in the long run. An up to standard commercial electrical system will keep you connected, so you won’t lose clients or revenue because of power outages.
Why You Need A Professional To Install Or Update Your Electrical Systems
Regulations outlined by the National Electrical Code can be extremely long – making it a major chore to sort through and identify the relevant code requirements for your building. Even residential code, which is simpler, can confound the savviest of DIY experts. As the buildings get larger and electrical needs get higher, the regulations only get more complex. Understanding current code is only the first part of the issue.
Installing a code-approved commercial electrical system is no easy task. Because a commercial property’s needs go beyond that of residential properties, these electrical systems are installed on a significantly larger scale. Heavy machinery or floors full of electronic equipment will also need to be catered for in terms of power supply – some things simply can’t be plugged into a wall outlet.
An installation by our technicians ensures that your electrical system goes beyond just being up to code. We work with you to ensure your power needs are met, and you can run your business smoothly and safely. With regular scheduled maintenance or repair, your electrical system can operate efficiently, also giving you the benefit of being more cost-effective.
Save yourself the trouble of identifying what ‘up to code’ means for you, and contact us at Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric. With decades of experience adhering to national and local South Florida building codes, we can make sure your commercial electrical system is up to code and safe to use.