How Do Energy Management Systems Work?

As cost of living and people’s awareness of the effects of their carbon footprint on the planet rises, the need for better residential energy management solutions increases as well. Energy management systems (EMS) are smart systems that let you record, track and modify your households monthly electrical usage. Choosing the right residential energy management system can be a little complicated but with the help of a professional and licensed electrician from Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric, you’ll be sorted in no time.
The Basics Of An Energy Management System
Energy management systems are devices that are installed on your property which accurately records, tracks and notifies you of your electrical usage. For many households it’s impossible and impractical to constantly purchase newer and more energy efficient appliances, by installing an energy management system, you can track exactly how and where your electrical energy is spent. Using the device generated reports, you are able to adapt and change your electrical usage. By adjusting and lowering your electrical usage using the EMS device generated reports, you will not only be lowering your carbon footprint but also saving money as your monthly utility bill will be lower. The more energy efficient you are in your home, the more money you are able to save.
Depending on the age of your household electronics, your EMS system can even control these electronics, air conditioning system and lighting.
The Benefits Of An Energy Management System
In Florida it is impractical to try and survive the summer heat without an air conditioning system. Unfortunately, constantly using an air conditioner will take its toll on your electrical usage. EMS systems are beneficial to homeowners trying to keep their carbon footprint and energy consumption as low as possible
One of the advantages of EMS systems is that you can pre-set or schedule when your electrical systems operate. This lowers your daily electrical usage as well as your overall monthly utility costs. You are able to pre-set your desired air conditioning temperature and lighting settings. Your EMS system will also automatically regulate the temperature, this can save approximately 25% of your monthly energy usage.
Depending on how new your EMS system is, it can include a sensor which automatically detects when a room in your household is empty. It will turn off the lights if people leave the room or it can turn them off if the room is empty for a certain period of time. It’s an extremely handy feature if you’re ever on a long trip, you don’t need to worry if you’ve forgotten to turn off the lights.
Remote Adjustments
You are able to adjust your household temperature and lighting from almost anywhere in the world using your household’s energy management system’s portal or mobile app.
For example, it’s pointless to have your air conditioner running all day while you’re at work. With an EMS system you’re able to set timers and schedule when your air conditioning system runs at different temperatures. You could set it to start up 10 minutes prior to your arrival at home, so that your home is cool when you enter it.
One of the worst things when going on a trip for a few days, is the worry that potential burglars will notice your home is empty. Unlike Kevin McCallister in Home Alone, you won’t need to leave someone behind to keep your home safe. You will be able to remotely turn your household lights on and off as a deterrent to possible burglars. An added bonus is being able to turn your lights on before you enter your home after dark – this will help you avoid unsafe situations should a burglar be in your home.
Working For You
Energy management systems were created to work for you. Finding the right residential EMS system can be difficult, but the team at Art Plumbing, AC & Electric will be able to assist you with all of your electrical needs. If you’re unsure about the installation of energy management systems (EMS), don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-800-475-1504 to schedule your appointment with one of our reliable professionals!