Eliminating Dark Hiding Spots With Security Lighting

Security lighting is primarily installed to eliminate dark hiding spots, deter or detect intrusions and / or criminal activity and give you an increased feeling of safety. They can be placed above doors and main pathways, as well as the sides of your home and backyard. If you use the wrong type of lighting or it’s placed in the incorrect area, this light can assist criminals, instead of deter them. Knowing the facts regarding security lighting and making an informed decision could literally save your life.
The Benefits Of Security Lighting
Looking beyond the obvious peace of mind and sense of safety that security lights bring, there are other benefits to having this lighting installed.
- In tandem with surveillance systems, you have a greater chance of positively identifying any intruder.
- You will feel more comfortable walking around your property after dark e.g.: when taking out the trash or putting your vehicle in the garage for the night.
- It will prevent you and any of your visitors tripping on uneven ground or concealed objects like sprinkler systems.
- Most insurances insist on security lighting and premiums increase without it.
- It increases the resale value of your property.
- It can double up as accent lighting on your entertainment area at night.
Are Security Lights All The Same?
Security lights come in a variety shapes, sizes and strengths but also vary in how they are activated. You can now customize your security light according to your home and your needs:
- Motion light sensors have a lens that cover a large field of view and are triggered by movement.
- Heat sensitive lights with Passive Infra-red (PIR) or Pyroelectric sensors are triggered by human body temperature.
- Solar Powered lights come on at dusk and switch off during daylight. Depending on the size of the battery, some are connected to a motion sensor and don’t stay on all night.
- Lights can be installed on a timer in various areas and come on and off as programmed. These are helpful when you are away but want to give the impression that people are home. Burglars tend to watch your home and know your routine. Lights set to come on and off at various times provide an element of surprise and unsettle any would be burglars.
- Some security lights need to be switched on and off manually.
Why You Need Expert Advice On Security Light Choice And Placement
Most people get advice of the kind of security light they want but fail to get proper advice on where to place it. Putting your security light up in the wrong place or choosing the wrong kind of fixture, will cost you money and be totally ineffective in its role. Here are some practical tips to consider when purchasing security lighting:
- The higher you want the light to be placed, the brighter it must be. You would also need to be very careful that you angle it correctly or it could be totally ineffective.
- A softer, more diffuse light, placed lower, has a larger radius, can overlap with other lights and will light up all the dark corners. Floodlights have a specific purpose but tend to create very dark shadows that criminals love to hide in.
- Really bright lights facing your neighbor will stop him from being able to see any intruders on your property. Make sure you angle the light so that it does not shine in your neighbors’ eyes.
- To ensure that the lights aren’t tampered with and power lines aren’t cut, place the wires so they are not easily accessible and install a security light shining on the power supply box. Solar powered lights are less easy to tamper with and can also be placed higher.
- White or clear lights are better for security purposes. Colored lights distort facts and clothing color making it more difficult to accurately describe an intruder.
- Light fittings need to be weather proof if they are to be exposed and weather tolerant against wind and dampness if they are placed under a porch or roof.
- All security lights will require routine maintenance.
A dark home is always a vulnerable home. For peace of mind contact your security light consultants Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric – we will assess the layout of your property, provide you with a quote and install and maintain all security lighting.