How Do Plumbers Find A Plumbing Leak?

You may be nervous to call a plumber if you think you have a plumbing leak. There is a misconception that to find a leak, plumbers have to be invasive and cut into your walls or flooring. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. With technological advancements, plumbers can practically see through the walls and floors to detect leaks. Discovering leaks and finding the best repair options is easier than ever.
How Plumbers Find Leaks
Your plumber will start with a basic sweep through your home. They will look in any area that could show signs of a leak. Anywhere your plumbing system is visible to the naked eye will be included in this visual inspection. These areas include your pool (if you have one), under your sinks, around your toilet, and water heater.
As they walk through your home, your plumber will listen for any apparent leaks. If he/she doesn’t find any or needs to do more exploration, they’ll use their equipment. Using the equipment is a quick and easy task that won’t impact any aspect of your home.
Tools Plumbers Use To Find A Plumbing Leak
There are several tools that professional plumbers use when inspecting your plumbing for leaks.
Sound Technology
One of the tools that plumbers use is sound technology, such as ground microphones and listening disks. They allow the plumber to hear running or dripping water. It can work through asphalt, tile, and even concrete. This technology is helpful when leaks are too quiet or too far away to hear with the naked ear.
Any sound that gets picked up goes right into the plumber’s headphones. The headphones get rid of any distracting sounds that might cover the sound of the leak. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, and day-to-day activities can be enough noise to mask a leak.
Heat Scanners
When sound technology doesn’t work or more inspection is needed, plumbers use heat scanners. They pick up changes in temperature through walls and floors. Any area that is impacted by water will have a different temperature than the rest of the site. This technology can help narrow down the location of the plumbing leak.
Video Camera Inspections
The most efficient and accurate method of leak detection is a video camera inspection. Plumbers will navigate a small camera down your drains to get a clear view of the problem. Typically, this tool is a camera and light attached to the end of a fiberoptic cable. The plumber will then be able to see what the camera picks up through a monitor.
This method allows them to see exactly where the plumbing leak is and how extensive it has become. It also gives your plumber an idea of your pipes’ condition and if you need to replace them. The camera is the most accurate tool on the list, and it will help give you the best repair options for your problem.
Finally, the most essential and overlooked tool plumbers use is their training and experience. Plumbers work hard to get their license. Then they spend their entire career gaining experience and knowledge through their time on the job. It’s a priceless tool that is the key to fixing your plumbing leak.
Plumbing Repairs In South Florida
All of the tools and equipment listed are non-invasive and non-destructive. No walls or floors will be torn up or cut into to find a leak in your home. We want your leak repair to be as painless and effective as possible. This starts with finding the leak and coming up with the best way to repair your plumbing.
Our plumbers at Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric are experts in detecting leaks. We have experience in repairing any plumbing leak that can be found in your plumbing system. Contact us today at 1-800-475-1504 or schedule service directly on our website. We look forward to helping you!
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