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Why You Should Checkout Your Low Water Pressure

Plumbing Problems
Reading Time: 2 minutes

When only a few drops of water come out of your faucet instead of a steady stream it means that you have a serious plumbing problem with low water pressure. While it may seem like only a little annoyance; it actually indicates a deeper problem within your plumbing system. The best way to deal with it is by getting it looked at by a trained professional who can identify the causes and offer permanent and affordable solutions.

Testing your Water Pressure
In order to do this, you would need a pressure gauge. These are cheap, easily available, and easy to use. All you need to do is follow the instructions that come with the gauge. Pressure is measured in pounds per square inch (psi) – should the pressure measure at 50 psi or less, it is low. Ideally you would want readings of around 60 to ensure that you are getting enough water pressure (but not too high). Measuring your water pressure will help you detect when you may have an underlying plumbing problem. Alternatively, if low water pressure isn’t a constant problem but just a once-off occurrence, rather call in a plumber to test it. This way, if there is an underlying problem causing your water pressure to drop, he can detect it and fix it right then and there.

Here are some bigger issues that may be causing your low water pressure:

If you have a low water pressure problem in your home then it could be caused by blockages, particularly in your pipes. The diameter of your pipes could be too small and will therefore impede the flow of water to your home, as the pipes cannot reach the water demands of your household. Or, corrosion of your pipes could lead to broken and blocked pipes. Low pressure may also be caused by other kinds of blockages. Replacement of and repairs to your pipes can be easily done by a knowledgeable plumber, which will fix the low water pressure problem as well as prevent bigger issues from arising as a result of faulty piping and blockages in your plumbing system.

Leaky pipes or plumbing fixtures are a serious problem. Not only does it mean that the water that is supplied to your house is not getting to where is needs to go (which is why you experience low water pressure), but also that it could be causing severe damage to your property and is an environmental concern. Leaks can happen anywhere, so be sure that you get the problem seen to by an experienced plumber.

Faulty Water Heater  
If you notice that you only experience low pressure when running hot water, it is most likely caused by a fault in your water heater. It could be blocked up with calcium build-up, or it could be an even bigger issue. Contact a professional right away to prevent damage from a burst water heater.

If you suspect that your water pressure may be too low or if you experience a sudden drop in pressure, call a trusted plumber right away. He will be able to detect the cause and prevent a bigger problem from arising – saving you both time and money.

Contact Art Plumbing and Air Conditioning for more information about low water pressure and getting water pressure readings.


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