No Foolin’!

Welcome to another end of the week and let me, in my usual tradition, wish you a Happy Friday! In doing a little research, the concept of April Fools’ Day dates back as far back as 1392 in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales where a vain rooster is tricked by a fox. The first reference in Britain was in 1686 by John Aubrey, who referred to April 1st as “Fooles Holy Day”, and from what I read, the first British practical joke was a printed invitation to come to the Tower of London to see the first annual washing of the lions on April 1st 1698. I don’t know about you, however, I’m thinking the washing of the lions might be a good time!!
My faithful readers at this point are probably scratching their heads wondering why my usually helpful blog is off on an April Fools’ tangent. First off, I love completely useless trivia, and secondly, I want to get into a subject that you really shouldn’t fool around with (pun intended). On a side note my personal favorite practical joke for an office coworker is to take a butter knife and ever so gently pop the “M” and “N” keys off their keyboard and reverse them, trust me especially for the ones that are great typists, hilarity will ensue.
On to more serious matters… We are holding our first annual “Meet the Family“ day (Hiring Open House) today and I am quite enjoying the irony that it falls on April 1st. If you are talented enough and lucky enough to make it on our team, you’ll understand the irony as well, simply because we can be pretty silly around here sometimes. What we do comes with its stresses and we have found that laughter and humor are some of the best ways to let that stress go.
I have done entire articles on why Art is such a great place to work, but the only way you are ever going to know for yourself is to stop on by and meet the family. Today’s open house is complete with refreshments and it’s the perfect opportunity to come see why, when it comes to your career, we aren’t fooling around. Our company has almost doubled in size over the last six years that I’ve been here and there is no end in sight, that said, it takes a team to continue that growth and that’s where you come in. Bring your resume and your “A” game and stop on by today, while you’re here, find Chuck and tell him I said to give you a t-shirt or a hat of your choice.
Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric Hiring Open House
4151 NW 124th Avenue, Coral Springs, FL 33065
Friday, April 1st – 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Immediate Interviews!
- No Appointment Necessary!
- Refreshments Provided Throughout The Day!
We’ll be conducting on-site interviews for the following positions:
- Air Conditioning Installers & Technicians
- Plumbing Installers & Technicians
- Electrical Service Technicians
- Lawn Sprinkler Technicians
- Drywall/Tile/Carpentry Technician
- Air Conditioning Sales Consultant
- Bookkeeping/Accounting Professionals
- Customer Service Representatives
Make it a great day and until our paths cross once more, House Whisperer out!!