Are Trade Industry Careers Worth It?

Many people believe that in order to succeed in life, they need to have a college degree. For some careers, this is true; degrees in education or the medical field aren’t possible without the minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Some careers require the additional work of a master’s or a doctorate. Acquiring these degrees was a lot more doable in an era when tuition cost less. Today, many people go into debt for higher education, and the salaries they earn in entry-level careers add up to a fraction of what they owe.
Fortunately, there is another option to make money in a successful career without going into debt. If you’re not sure if college is for you, consider a trade industry career. You could earn the same benefits in the trade industry as you would in a white-collar profession. But there are several other benefits to a trade industry career to consider as well:
Gain Immediate Experience
The classroom learning environment isn’t a good fit for everyone. Some people just aren’t good at memorizing information for taking tests. Others are more “hands on,” and learn best while actually on the job. Trade industry careers allow you to immediately “dive in” and start building your resume with actual experience instead of more head knowledge. Apprentices in a trade career don’t have to suffer through unpaid internships, but instead earn real certifications for their work.
Trade School Is More Affordable
College is a turnoff for some people because of the cost. On average, the cost for in-state tuition is at least $10,000. It’s more expensive for out-of-state students and at private schools. But associate degrees at a trade school have the benefit of little to no student loan debt, plus there are still opportunities for scholarships and grants.
A traditional four-year college provides you with lots of knowledge about your chosen profession, but no guarantee of a job after you graduate. Many entry-level jobs still want to see a few years of experience as a condition for hire. But how can you gain that experience if no one is willing to take a chance on a new grad? It’s a catch-22 that many people are facing right now. But hands-on work is part of the trade school experience, giving you a leg up on the application process.
Start Working Sooner In Your Trade
A typical college degree takes a minimum of four years to earn. In trade school, you can graduate and start your career in as little as one to two years.
Earn A Comfortable Living
Entry-level trade careers can earn roughly $52,000 per year. But a master of a particular trade can earn much more than that. The more experience you have, the more negotiation power you get – and master tradespeople are always in demand. While the exact salary amount differs between each state, you are all but guaranteed to make a decent living for yourself.
The Demand For Trade Industry Careers Is Growing Stronger
The Baby Boomer generation is starting to retire. This leaves big opportunities for millennials to fill those empty shoes in the trade world. The world will always be in need of welders, electricians, plumbers, and more. That’s pretty good job security!
Use Your Skills
It’s not unusual for college graduates to end up working in a different field than what they studied. That means spending thousands of dollars on a degree that may not even get used. But trade schools all but guarantee that you will end up working in the very field you studied. You have the ability to start your own business or apply for – and get! – specific trade jobs that demand the very skills you refined while in school.
Trade Industry Careers In South Florida
We’re not saying that college is bad; it’s just not ideal for everyone. At Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric, we’re confident that our skills will never not be in demand – especially given Florida’s notoriety for hurricanes. To learn more about the plumbing industry, or to schedule an appointment, reach out to us at 1-800-475-1504.